Welcome to Self-Care Sunday!

Please find all the relevant information regarding this online event below.

How to join the event on Zoom…

This event takes place online, in Zoom. In order to part-take, you must have Zoom app ready on your device. It is free to download it & you can do it right HERE.

To join the event on September 10th, please open your Zoom App.
Join the meeting with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87399570766?pwd=Q1hIbUhEOFM2U09pWlM3bFRWSHdVdz09

The app might ask you for a few security codes. Here they are!
Meeting ID: 873 9957 0766
Passcode: AKPxGK

How to prepare for the event…

As this is a fitness class, we recommend you make sure that you have eaten breakfast & drank enough water. Best to not eat at least an hour before the session begins - nobody wants to lie on their stomach or exert themselves being full & feeling heavy but you do need the energy.

Please join the event at least 5-10 min before we begin at 11.00. This way, you will arrive not stressing & you have a chance to set your device & space up in good time & say hi to us.

Have some water near-by (just in case) & pick a space with good ventilation.

What you need for the Pilates session…

You need a space that allows you to stretch out maximally in standing and lying down positions.

We recommend having a workout mat (such as yoga or Pilates mats), alternatively a rug will do alright as well if you do not have one.

This is a prop-free class, so you are not expected to have any other workout equipment to take the class.


Opt for wearing clothes that are comfortable & allow you to move well.
For your own comfort, remove bigger jewellery & wrist watches.
Socks are optional, otherwise be barefoot.

Allow yourself at least an hour to participate in this event. The Pilates session lasts for 45 minutes, after which you get a chance to ask questions from myself regarding fitness, training, physical health and Irene Atance, the founder of the skincare brand GO CIRKULÄR.

Thank you for reading & see you on the mat on the 10th!

Should you have any questions or concerns before joining, please contact Anna Kirs at info@annakirs.com.